Nested Applications
Welcome to Lisbon
Dear Participants,
On behalf of the Executive Committee and the Science Committee, we would like to invite you to participate in the 20th EFORT Congress in Lisbon from 05 to 07 June 2019. In Lisbon, we will be celebrating our 20th congress anniversary and we are looking forward to sharing this special occasion for EFORT with you.
The annual meeting of EFORT is the largest platform for European Orthopaedics to exchange knowledge and experience within Europe but also with colleagues from other parts of the world. To celebrate this 20th anniversary, the Science Committee has created an exceptional programme for both young and experienced delegates covering varied topics from basic research to areas within daily practice of orthopaedics and trauma.
The main theme of the Congress in Lisbon will be “Registries & Impact on Practice”.
Highlights of the Congress include patient and implant selection, patient safety, value based healthcare, implant survival, quality improvement, just to mention a few.
The format of the meeting will again encourage interaction between participants with both Symposia, Instructional Lectures and Interactive Expert Exchange sessions given by distinguished speakers from all over Europe. Other sessions will include Complex Case Discussion sessions, the Full-Day in Total Hip & Total Knee Replacement as well as Free Papers and Clinical Cases submissions from all over the world.
The Australian Orthopaedic Association (AOA) has accepted to be the Invited Nation at our 20th EFORT Congress. We are delighted that AOA will join the Congress by a delegation of distinguished speakers that certainly will add further to the scientific and educational quality.
Furthermore, traditionally, two highly renowned orthopaedic surgeons will deliver the Michael Freeman and Erwin Morscher Honorary Lectures.
The scientific programme would be, however, incomplete without your participation and we sincerely hope that you will consider not only your attendance but also your participation in submitting abstracts, the presentation of which forms a major and important part of the meeting.
We look forward to meeting you in sunny Lisbon for the 20th EFORT Congress in 2019.
Nested Applications
Ass. Prof. Dr. Per Kjærsgaard-Andersen
Prof. Dr. Thierry Bégué

Prof. Dr. Søren Overgaard
EFORT Annual Congress Lisbon 2019
Photo: 20th EFORT Annual congress Lisboa 2019 Official Picture