Exhibitors Database 2019
EFORT invites you to browse through the Exhibitors Database of the 20th EFORT Annual Congress Lisbon 2019 which represents those exhibitors that have already committed to and confirmed their presence at the 2019 EFORT Congress to be held in Lisbon, Portugal, from 05 to 07 June 2019.
The following search tool will give you the possibility to look for a particular exhibitor, find their booth number in the exhibition area and contact your industry partner.
Nested Applications
EFORT Exhibitors & Industry Database
The European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT) is the platform organisation linking Europe‘s national orthopaedic associations. Its aims reflect the will of all the participating associations to promote the exchange of scientific knowledge and experience in the field of prevention and both the conservative and surgical treatment of diseases and injuries concerning the musculo-skeletal system. To this end, particular emphasis is placed upon activities focusing on education and research.