Exhibitors Database 2019
EFORT invites you to browse through the Exhibitors Database of the 20th EFORT Annual Congress Lisbon 2019 which represents those exhibitors that have already committed to and confirmed their presence at the 2019 EFORT Congress to be held in Lisbon, Portugal, from 05 to 07 June 2019.
The following search tool will give you the possibility to look for a particular exhibitor, find their booth number in the exhibition area and contact your industry partner.
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EFORT Exhibitors & Industry Database
EBJIS - European Bone & Joint Infection Society
The aim of the Society is to promote the knowledge of all infections affecting the Musculoskeletal system (bone and joint infections), and to promote the prevention and treatment of these infections. The Society is a non-profit organisation. The annual membership fee at this moment is 110 euro. Members who not pay their fee for 2 years are skipped as member.
There is no direct benefit of commercial parties. Since 5 years a scientific price is given for the best paper and the best poster during the annual meeting. The annual meetings are partly organised with financial help of the industry, but it appears to be difficult to get sponsoring of international meetings by national companies.
The Board consists of a President, assisted by a Vice-President (the next President) and a Past-President, all in that function for 2 years. This guarantees continuity for each of 6 years with an overlap. A General Secretary, Treasurer, Archivist, and members of the Board assist them. They can be re-elected and form a more permanent factor. The Board meets three to four times a year. The members themselves must do all administrative work; the relative small society with limited finance cannot afford professional support.