Nested Applications
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How can I get my congress badge?
All pre-registered participants have received a confirmation message from [email protected] including a personal barcode to be used on the self-printing stations. Scan the barcode from your email to print your badge.
Congress hostesses and the Secretariat/Help Desk remain available for onsite assistance at all times.
The exceptions are, all EFORT Invited Speakers who need to pick-up their badge at the VIP/Faculty Desk.
2. Do I have access to all sessions with my badge?
All sessions of the scientific programme are open to badge holders. The unique extra paying programme is the Comprehensive Review Course running the full Wednesday 05 June in room Istanbul (pre-registration mandatory).
Exhibitor badges and Corporate Visitor Day Passes do not give access to the scientific sessions (with the exception of the symposium on Medical Devices Regulation – MDR - on Friday 07 June from 13:00 to 14:45 in room Lisbon where all badge holders are welcome).
3. Where do I find a final programme and session planner?
For the first time, a printed program for the EFORT Congress will no longer be available. Attendees will have access to the entire program through the congress app via a mobile device.
Further, a sophisticated online program search engine has been developed that will help those who come to this year’s congress plan their attendance and guide their selection of sessions to attend. For anyone who still likes a paper program, a printed pocket program will be available that can be folded down to the size of a business card to ease the transition to paperless. Copies of the pocket program can be collected at The EFORT Plaza.
4. Where and when can I get my congress attendance certificate?
Personalised certificates of attendance can only be retrieved on-site in the self-printing stations as of Friday 07 June. Congress Secretariat/Help Desk remains available for amendments of the certificates if necessary and also for anyone attending with a one-day pass.
5. Where and when can I get my CME certificate?
CME certificates can be downloaded after the congress only if you have correctly tracked your educational activity from the beginning of the congress by registering on the EFORT App and scanning your badge in and out in each session attended.
A CME column is located at the entrance of each scientific session to allow you to scan your badge. A CME help desk counter will be located in the congress registration area to support you with scanning and mobile app inquiries.
Please note the download of the CME certificate depends on the completion of the session surveys and can only be claimed, at the latest, 6 weeks after the end of the congress.
More information can be found here:
Please note that the attendance of the industry satellite lunch symposia and also the symposium on Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) on Friday 07 June | 13:00 – 14:45 in room Lisbon are not entitled to any CME.
6. What should I do if I am an EFORT invited speaker?
After picking up your VIP badge at the Faculty Desk, as a speaker of an invited session, you must upload the files of your presentation(s) beforehand.
7. What is the best learning format?
Browse through our EFORT Lisbon 2019 Congress Scientific Programme to find out within the many scientific sessions which ones will best match your learning needs over the 3 days of the congress. Get familiar with the definition per format:
- Complex Case Discussions (CCD),
- Debate Fora (DF),
- Evidence Based Medicine Sessions (EBM),
- Instructional Lectures (IL),
- Interactive Expert Exchange Sessions (IEE),
- Symposia (S)
- and many others.
8. What should I do if I am an industry satellite speaker?
Once in possession of a valid badge from the company you are representing as an industry speaker you must upload the files of your presentation(s) beforehand at the Speakers Preview Centre.
9. What should I do if I am orally presenting an abstract?
After printing your badge, as a presenting author of a Free Paper and/or Clinical Report, you must upload the files of your presentations beforehand.
10. When will upload of the presentations be available?
Upload is available directly online or at the Speakers Preview Centre, a minimum of 2 hours before presenting. Whenever possible, please upload your presentation in advance to avoid waiting. All speakers, even those who have pre-submitted presentations, must go to the Speaker Preview Centre, to complete their COI statements and check their presentations. Technical assistance will be provided and material can be edited and updated on the workstations on site.
11. Where and when can I get the certificate for my oral presentation?
Presentation certificates will be generated at the Speakers Preview Centre upon upload/last check-up of your presentation's display. Please don’t leave the Speakers Preview Centre without your certificate.
12. What should I do if I am presenting a poster?
Posters presenting authors are fully responsible for bringing a paper copy of their poster to hang up on-site. EFORT does not undertake any action for the printing of the material and NO printer is available on-site. No slides can be projected in the Poster Area.
All the posters are displayed during one day only and setup of the posters is possible only during the morning, on the day of your presentation. Times for setup are:
- Wednesday 05 June from 09:00 to 12:45.
- Thursday 06 June from 09:00 to 12:45.
- Friday 07 June from 09:00 to 12:45.
The unique accepted format is A0 in vertical orientation (1189 X 841 mm; or 46.8 X 33.1 in).
13. Do I have to orally present my poster to someone?
Some Posters have been selected to be presented orally during a Poster Walk session grouping the 10 best posters of the corresponding topic. These authors have been requested to stay in front of their Poster during the complete poster session schedule (90 minutes). The results should be presented in a 5-minutes length discussion, including at least one specific question from the moderator. If the author is not in front of the poster the moderator has been given the instructions to continue his evaluation without any waiting.
Unless you have been notified by email from [email protected], you don’t have to orally present your poster results but EFORT strongly recommends authors to actively participate to discussions in the Poster Area on the day of their presentation.
14. What happens after my poster presentation?
Dismantling is mandatory between 15h00 and 17h00 every day.
Posters not removed by 17h00 will be discarded and there will be no possibility to recover the hard copy of your work after this.
All presenting authors will automatically receive their poster certificate during the week following the congress. Poster certificates for co-authors will be produced only upon direct request to [email protected].
Please always mention the abstract number on the query relating to your poster.
15. Are the congress oral presentations available online?
In order to add an educational value for the participants, all presentations for which the speaker gave his/her authorization for public sharing, will be made available in EFORT eScience, our scientific Webcasts library immediately after the congress.
16. Are the abstracts published in any journal?
All the abstracts included in the EFORT Congress Lisbon 2019 scientific programme are available only under EFORTnet, the EFORT Community platform and Resource Center.
Sign in or create an account for free at
Authors are free to submit the work presented during the congress as full papers for any publication in the field.
17. Why visit the Exhibition during the congress?
The EFORT annual congress and accompanying commercial exhibition is the largest cross border medical meeting taking place in Europe that is dedicated to orthopaedics and traumatology. A robust search engine has been made available to browse through the Exhibitors Database of the 20th EFORT Annual Congress Lisbon 2019.
18. I had a picture taken during my presentation by the EFORT photographer, when and where would it be available?
There is an official photography gallery on our congress website and an EFORT Facebook page where a selection of the pictures take on site are publicly available for download.
For any specific query, please send a direct request to [email protected].