Congress Highlights 2019

Nested Applications

Congress Highlights

EFORT aims to provide worthy scientific guidance via the presentation of well-established medical techniques, but also to highlight new evidence in emerging fields. Renowned experts will discuss their procedures, the rationale for their decisions, their successes and failures. At the Congress, an important source of international knowledge and experience in the prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system will be within your reach. The EFORT scientific sessions are training programs with high scientific value. Authors invited to contribute to the scientific content of the Congress by presenting their work orally should adhere to the same standards, as their contributions are an essential part of the core programme.

As EFORT is the biggest European platform to share orthopaedic and trauma knowledge, an active participation in our upcoming 2019 Congress is the best opportunity to identify new data related to any specialty, gather useful tips and tricks to enhance daily medical achievements and expand the professional network.


  • Patient selection
  • Implant selection
  • Implant survival
  • Prediction of outcome
  • Value based healthcare
  • Revision rate
  • Patient safety
  • Quality improvement
  • Patient reported outcome
  • Patient involvement

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