As a result of the current global situation, there is no doubt that the “new way of working” has accelerated the way to deliver education differently. Exploring, embracing and offering inventive solutions has convinced EFORT to create its 1st Virtual EFORT Congress (VEC) which will take place from 28 to 30 October 2020.
EFORT is dedicated to Orthopaedics and Traumatology Education in Europe. In response to the Covid-19 pandemic it was unfortunately not possible to welcome you to the 2020 EFORT annual congress in Vienna, now postponed to 30 June – 02 July 2021. While EFORT sees its mission in bringing together the orthopaedic and traumatology community it wanted to adapt and offer a new learning experience through the development of this 1st Virtual EFORT Congress.
Under the lead of the VEC Steering Group Chair, Prof. Sören Overgaard, and thanks to the motivation of the European specialty societies and the support of the EFORT national member societies we are proud to present today a high quality programme. Learn – Network - Science are the building blocks of the VEC programme under the main theme of “Harmonisation and Diversity”.
We are honored to have the participation of Prof. Gilles Walch, a pioneer in shoulder surgery, for the Erwin Morscher Honorary Lecture.
Amongst other activities, EFORT is also working on interactive sessions as well as a virtual exhibition.
These are few examples of this promising event and we invite participants from all around the world to join, from the youngest to the most experienced surgeon.
We are proud to offer this new opportunity in continuing medical education & professional development that is accredited with 14 European CME credits (ECMEC) by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME).
See you all soon online!
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Learn, Network & Science
but also cultural and educational […]
We therefore advocate
for harmonisation that respects diversity”
— Philippe Neyret & Søren Overgaard —
EFORT VEC 2020 Leaflet
PDF Document | 1 page | 775 kb